“Are you preparing for 100%?”

Student Excellence Program
Researched and developed by
Dr Rakesh Chopra (Spiritual Mentor)
Conducted by
Chandrakesh Singh

This student excellence program is a result of our extensive research with the students. It has been welcomed by students, teachers and their managements for its simplicity and practicality in giving a complete 7-Step-System for developing an in-depth understanding of the subjects they are studying – resulting in lifetime learning.

Our research has shown that most students consider hard work and personal discomfort as two prerequisites for high achievement. They feel that in order to get 90% or more, they have to stay up all night. Though marks are not the criteria of success because that varies from examiner to examiner but 100% preparation to learn is relevant. They also feel they have to miss out on many of the other activities that help them excel as an all-rounder. This is because most students rarely
focus on developing authority on their subjects.

Most students have a short-term focus to just out-do their peers in the exams. In so doing they are losing out on the in-depth understanding of their subjects.

Student Excellence Program:
The program is targeted at giving students the simplest track to their desired success. Since students rarely set a target of 100% learning for themselves, they rarely prepare for 100%. The fact is that preparing for 100% is easier than preparing for anything less.

Benefits for students:

How to use the MIND?
* Develop their authority on the subject, leading to high self confidence.
* Develop the ability to understand questions properly.
* Develop the ability to retain concepts for a lifetime.
* Develop the ability to use “The power of the inner mind” for enhancing learning and the
achievement of targets.

Key Learning SKILLS
* Develop the ability to handle seemingly boring or tough subjects.
* Develop the ability to give spontaneous, relevant and specific answers.
* Develop the skill to write the correct answers within the given time frame.

Benefits to the School

* Grooming and training of students for excellence.
* High scoring, dynamic, informed, quick learning and motivated students lead to better result standards.
* Image building
* Students are recognised through their responses and behaviour in the society
* Students developed as an asset to the teachers.



What targets have you set for yourself in your academic life? In ignorance, perhaps you are setting your targets lower than you can comfortably achieve? Or perhaps higher than you are prepared for at the moment? Learn how to always target 100% learning and at the same time always prepare for 100%. Ask yourself some basic questions: Is life the same as career or something more? What is TIME? How can you excel with comfort and ease?


Utilising Spare Capacity of Mind
The human mind has a tremendous capacity which unfortunately is not fully utilised. You may have experienced how your mind wanders while listening to your teachers in class or even while speaking with anyone. The human mind once activated must go through a 4-step process to use its full contemplating capacity. Get to know these 4-steps to learn for living 100% mind utilisation.

Practicing 100% Concentration
It is impossible to be with any person or subject all day long or throughout your life. To get the best in life and out of every subject, it is a must to give 100% of oneself even if it is for one moment only.
Learn how to do it.

Utilising “The power of the inner mind” for your Success
There is a inner mind power that exists WITHIN you. Maybe you are not aware of it or you do not fully use it for your benefit and for your success. Experience the same power of the inner mind in the program and also learn how to use it for speeding up your success.


Understanding The Basics
Authority on any subject or concept is gained if you begin with the basics. Only if the basics are right, will you gain full command over your subject. This technique ensures lifelong retention of concepts learned even when learned only once. The key is to just get the basic understanding right the first time.

The need is to adopt a strategy by which you learn your subjects at speed. Learning is the attainment of knowledge and the understanding of it developed in your own language. The strategy is to learn in such a manner that you are comfortable to write on or explain your subjects as per the time given to you, be it 5, 15, 30 minutes or an hour.

Strategy to Study
The feel of the subject is most important. Once you gain the ‘feel’ of a subject then it is easy to understand it. So how to obtain this feel for a complete grasp of the subject’s essence? The answer lies in six simple steps.


*Activities *Open Interaction *Group Discussions *Demonstration *Case Studies

A Few Testimonials:

“The Mind Power technique helped our students immensely, and it continues to benefit them. We would like you to conduct more programs with us.”
Mr. Jaspal Singh
Guru Nanak Fifth Centenary School, Mussoorie, India

Student Feedback:

“The workshop was tremendous, and Dr. Rakesh Chopra is simply fabulous and incomparable. I’ll never forget what I’ve learned here. It was a pleasure to attend, and we thoroughly enjoyed the workshop. I hope to maintain lifelong contact with Dr. Chopra.
I felt the power of the mind for the first time in my life. Thank you, Sir, for this special birthday gift.”

Sharmila, Student

Key takeaways:

  • “I now know the secret of Mind Power.”
  • “I learned effective ways to study.”
  • “I learned how to live happily and peacefully.”
  • “It was worth every moment; no words can describe how amazing it was!”

“It was a great experience investing a precious day in the Student Excellence Program. The program gave me the confidence to approach exams without stress, and it helped me learn all the chapters with ease.”
Awadesh Chandra, Student

Key takeaways:

  • “I felt a transformation in how I manage time and prepare for boards.”
  • “I learned how to use my mind power.”
  • “I became less anxious about exams and more confident.”

“This workshop is essential for students at this age. It significantly improves learning skills and boosts self-confidence.
I felt like I entered a new world, receiving blessings from God. From today onwards, I believe I can start learning in a better and more effective way.”

Saurabh Singh Pathania, Student

Key takeaways:

  • “It boosted my confidence.”
  • “It enhanced my learning abilities.”
  • “It reduced my fears about board exams.”

“In my opinion, the workshop by Dr. Rakesh Chopra was truly beneficial and captivating. He touched our souls with his insights and explanations. It has motivated me to aim for 100% in every phase of my life. Thank you, Sir, for sharing your invaluable time with us.”
Hari Kishan, Student

Key takeaways:

  • “I learned how to stay on the right path to achieve success.”
  • “I experienced deep emotional and spiritual growth.”
  • “I discovered a path to success with no room for failure.”

“The workshop has been extremely beneficial. We learned new ways to study for exams and how to meditate. Despite sitting from 9 am to 5 pm, I didn’t feel tired. In fact, I felt more energetic by the end of the day!”
Preeti Sagar, Student

Key takeaways:

  • “I learned how to concentrate and meditate.”
  • “I discovered how to stay energetic by tapping into my mind power.”

“Very beneficial. The workshop addressed common problems we face daily and provided tools to improve concentration and understanding. Meditation helped me focus more effectively.”
Himanshi, Student

Key takeaways:

  • “It improved my concentration.”
  • “I understood the importance of setting goals.”
  • “I realized that smart practice, not hard work, is key to success.”

“The workshop benefited me greatly. It was also very interesting. The information and knowledge shared will be helpful for the rest of my life. I want to thank the entire team for such a wonderful experience.”
Vineeta Das, Student

Key takeaways:

  • “I feel more confident and mentally at peace.”
  • “I now know how to work smartly towards achieving 100%.”

“This workshop was much needed. We learned a lot about how to prepare for 100%, live a stress-free life, and achieve peace of mind and soul.”
Navin Kaur, Student

“It was a fantastic experience, and I’m very grateful to Dr. Chopra. I feel motivated and determined to start working towards 100% immediately.”
Kunal Singh, Student

Key takeaways:

  • “I learned the importance of having high aspirations in life.”
  • “I discovered how to eliminate stress and find peace of mind.”
  • “I now aim for 100% in everything I do.”

“The Student Excellence Program was exceptional. It showed me a clear, meaningful path to achieve 100%. Although I had some prior knowledge, I was often confused about whether it was the right path. This program transformed my understanding of Mind Power, and I will definitely apply the one-hour practice to appreciate everything that comes my way.”
Gajendra Singh, Student

Key takeaways:

  • “I realized there’s no need to compete with others.”
  • “It’s important to master the subject.”
  • “I learned to have faith in Mind Power.”

“I believe this workshop will greatly help me in the future. The presentation of complex topics in a simple, crisp, and humorous manner was brilliant. The method of ‘Learning at Speed’ will be invaluable. Initially, I wasn’t planning for 100%, but now I realize it’s easier to aim for 100% than just 75%. I am more optimistic and less judgmental as a result.”
Mridula Harbola, Student

“It was a very unique experience. It’s hard to put into words—fantastic! Sir, please continue this great work.
In just four hours, I’ve transformed into a stable, happy person. My mind no longer wanders. While I may not apply all of this to my academics, I promise to implement it in my real life.”

Aman Chotani, Student

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